Books, Books And More Books

 At the beginning of the year I had a go at designing low content books to be sold via Amazon KDP. 

How it works: You design a cover and interior of a book like a notebook or planner, upload it through Amazon KDP and it gets listed on Amazon and people can buy it. The books are printed to order by Amazon. After designing the rest is left to Amazon though you may want to advertise your book and share it on socials to get noticed as it's a very saturated market and it's hard to get your books seen. You choose how much profit from each book you get by setting the price. You can also buy the books yourself at cost if you wish to sell them yourself through other means.

YouTube High Five Rewards

 This is not a crafty post but it is about my YouTube channel. I received a email from YouTube about their High Five rewards. This is going out to a small selection of YouTubers, it's pretty much just some goodies you can claim that's going to pop up every so often over the next few months.

In this first email there was three rewards, it was said there would be more over the next few months. First was a free Greggs vegan or meat sausage roll, second was a neon play button light which was limited and was first come first served, the third was a draw to win one of 50 places to a YouTube meetup where you go to meet other YouTubers, listen to talks to help you grow your channel and of course some free merch too.

Intro to me and my blog!

 Hi! I'm Kelly, a crafter and artist. I have been making things since I can remember. I have tried my hand at quite a few different craf...