YouTube High Five Rewards

 This is not a crafty post but it is about my YouTube channel. I received a email from YouTube about their High Five rewards. This is going out to a small selection of YouTubers, it's pretty much just some goodies you can claim that's going to pop up every so often over the next few months.

In this first email there was three rewards, it was said there would be more over the next few months. First was a free Greggs vegan or meat sausage roll, second was a neon play button light which was limited and was first come first served, the third was a draw to win one of 50 places to a YouTube meetup where you go to meet other YouTubers, listen to talks to help you grow your channel and of course some free merch too.

The first two I claimed. They give you a code to show at Greggs to get your free sausage roll and you have a month to use it. The light I was lucky enough to get is being sent out in the middle of next month. I'm a hermit so I didn't bother entering the draw for the meetup.

They had done something like this before, I received the email for that too but I had never heard of it and by the time I did research and found out it was legit the rewards had all gone. That was a YouTube bucket hat and socks. From videos I have seen a lego play button and stickers were also available, I would have loved the play button. This time I already knew what to look out for so went for it. I was lucky though, some people had trouble signing up after getting the email and ended up missing out on the light. I will do another post when that arrives.

Today I just happen to sign in to the High Five account and saw some new rewards. 2 free months to Readly and a free month of UBISOFT, neither interested me so I didn't go for it.
The third one was.....

Who can say no to a free pizza right? Never had Papa Johns, it seems overpriced so no seems like a good time to try it. I will let you know how it went in the next High Five update or you can keep an eye on my YouTube Shorts for updates.

Thanks for reading
Happy Crafting!

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Intro to me and my blog!

 Hi! I'm Kelly, a crafter and artist. I have been making things since I can remember. I have tried my hand at quite a few different craf...