Crochet Care Bear

I like to make gifts for people at Christmas for that personal touch and this year is no different. I try to make things a bit more personal rather then just buying something from the shops that everyone else has (not to say shop brought items can't mean something too, it's also just an excuse for me to buy new craft supplies and makes stuff).

One of the gifts I made is a crochet Care Bear, yes I hear you, I know you can buy them in the shops but this one is different. It's a Don't Care Bear.

I found a tutorial on YouTube for Sunshine Bear and adapted that to make this one. There was a lot of prep work for this working out the pattern as the tutorial just showed the number of stitches in each row so I had to work out when to increase and decrease the stitches.
It took a while but I finally got the pattern written down and could start.

It was all a bit stop and start. It was the first time making a plushie without using a pre made kit so I had to get all the things need to make it but the eyes took forever to arrive. I started with the head and body as they were the biggest parts. I was going to put it together as I went but the eyes held that up so I ended up making all the bits and putting it all together at the end.

When the eyes finally arrived it quickly came together and started to too look something like a bear. It has made me want to make more alternative Care Bears so don't be surprised if there's more bear posts soon. I thing the belly needs to be a tad wider but other then that I think it came out ok.

What do you think of my Don't Care Bear? Some call it a Stoner Bear but that sounds less cute I think but what do I know? 
That was my first Christmas gift made and there's plenty more to follow.

Thanks for reading.
Happy Crafting!

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Intro to me and my blog!

 Hi! I'm Kelly, a crafter and artist. I have been making things since I can remember. I have tried my hand at quite a few different craf...