A Crochet Christmas - pt 1

 This year was a very crafty Christmas. I decided to make most people their gifts myself, though I am always nervous about giving handmade gifts this year I thought what the hell I will do it anyway.

With all the fuel payments going up I thought a nice handy gift would be blankets so that was my main idea and was what most people got. I'm not the quickest crocheter so I started in September, that was also partly because I was making my sister a blanket for her birthday in November which I now remember I haven't done a post for so that will coming soon whoops.

I gave myself plenty of time just in case I lost my mojo and had to stop crocheting for a few days but I didn't. I was in crochet mode most of the time and finished with plenty of time to spare.

I was making multiple blankets at the same time while I waited on different colour yarn to arrive as there was some I couldn't find in local shops.

The first blanket I completed was a black and purple one for my sister. The black is just basic granny squares and the purples are fillet stitch featuring cats, skulls and rock hand signs.

The next one I completed was McDonalds themed for my youngest nephew. It is fries made up of small granny squares. I found a basic fries hama bead pattern as a loose guide to make my own pattern to create this design. Once I worked out how many squares of each colour I needed it was really simple to make and didn't take much thought until it came to sewing them all together. For a simple design I am happy how this came out.

The next was for my other nephew, like most of the presents I get for him it was wrestling themed. I used fillet stitch and designed panels for it each representing an AEW wrestler/group. To look at it it looks a mist of a miss match but the colours were important to each design so though it looks a bit random it does fit a theme. Some designs are more obvious then others, the designing of the patterns took longer then crocheting the blanket. I thought it wasn't going to get done at one point but after the designing was done it worked up pretty quick.

The last one was for my uncle. It was the first time attempting C2C. As you can will see I only used C2C for the centre part then bulked it up like a granny square. I kind of cheated a bit with the C2C, I didn't do it all in one piece. I did it in smaller 10x10 squares and attached them together which I highly recommend trying if you have never done one before and you are feeling overwhelmed about trying a big project. Once finished it looks just as good and eases you in before attempting to do bigger projects in one go.

I also made some non blanket crochet gifts, one you may have seen in an earlier post (stoner bear) but they will feature in a separate post.

So that's it for the blankets I am now off to work on yet another hexagon cardigan!

Happy Crafting!


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Intro to me and my blog!

 Hi! I'm Kelly, a crafter and artist. I have been making things since I can remember. I have tried my hand at quite a few different craf...