Crochet Horror Blanket

This blanket came about because I was having a conversation with my sister (who is a horror fan) and she said I couldn't make a horror themed baby blanket. I took that as a challenge and started working on a design.
Working with pixel art a lot I decided to do it in fillet stitch as it would be easy for me to make a design. I was going to make it in white so it still looked like a baby blanket even though the theme was horror. I then chose the film to base it on, IT!
It crosses the baby theme (clowns/balloons) and the horror theme so I thought it would work really well.
It actually took longer to map out the design and make the pattern then it did to stitch up, which I now see is the case for most of the fillet stitch projects I make.
Here is the blanket...

Do you think it works as a baby blanket? I do. No one I knew was having a baby so I decided to make three more different designs and put them together to make an adult size blanket. Off I went to design 3 more.
The next one I made was Scream in black yarn. I decided to make them all using fillet stitch but in different colours. I tried making them the same size but some designs were more stretchy then others due to some having more holey stitches then others. This one being black the design doesn't quite pop as much as lighter colours but I managed to take a photo of it.
Here is the scream one...

Square 3 was Saw. This one took an age to get the design right because I was only working with one colour it was hard to get enough detail to show so you can clearly tell what it is meant to be. For this one I chose grey. 

The last one I chose is one of my favourite movies, Jaws! The pattern didn't take quite as long as I had made shark themed pixel art in the past. This one I did in blue.

I connected them using red and added a small border and it was done.

So what started out as a bet ended up as a blanket that made a good gift. A lot of work went in to this, if you ever receive a handmade gift I hope you appreciate the work that went into it. Some people think making presents is cheap but it isn't, in fact most of the time if you consider the price of materials and the time spent on it it can end up being quite costly and I bet a lot of thought when in it too.
That's it for the blankets for now.

Happy Crafting!

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 Hi! I'm Kelly, a crafter and artist. I have been making things since I can remember. I have tried my hand at quite a few different craf...