Making slushies without a machine.

 Not really sure if this is classed as a craft but here goes anyway. 

I have no room in my kitchen for a Slush Puppie machine, I have way too much baking stuff so I don't even have somewhere to store it when not in use either. I do love a slushy on a hot day so I needed an alternative. Slush Puppy brought out pre filled pouches that you could just buy, put in your freezer, smash it up a bit and there you have a slushy. With these they are very limited to the flavours you can get. I liked the idea so I wanted to try and make my own the same way using reusable drinks pouches. It worked so that's how I made my slushies at home. 

Knitting hats for winter already.

 Knitting is another craft I have tried my hand at and at the moment I can only cast on/off and know the basic knit/purl stitches. That's enough for me to have been able to make basic scarfs, socks and hats.

I find the hats really relaxing to make as you don't have to think about it too much. At the end of last year I knitted myself a hat inspired by Rainbow Road from Mari Kart. I added some cross stitch elements to it as I have now idea how to do knitted patterns in hats but I quite like how it turned out. The cross stitch looks quite good with the knitting I think.

Disney Crochet Kit

 Before starting this kit I could do the basics of crochet, chain, single & double crochet and that is it. I could make a simple granny square and crochet pop tabs together but never tried anything like making teddies or plushies. I learn best by studying the way something looks and working out how to make it or from visually seeing something being made that's why I've never tries to follow a written pattern before. I thought I would find it too confusing so let's see how I got on with this kit.

Intro to me and my blog!

 Hi! I'm Kelly, a crafter and artist.

I have been making things since I can remember. I have tried my hand at quite a few different crafts and I'm always looking for new things to try.

I also make art though I don't always of the confidence to show my artwork but I can't be that bad as I have sold quite a few paintings and whenever someone comes back and orders a second or third that is a welcomed confidence boost but like most artists and crafters I am my own worst critic. 

Just as a hobby I started a crafting YouTube channel where I would put up crafting tutorials. It's been there for quite a few years and though it doesn't have many subscribers (just under 14k as I am writing this) its something I enjoy going for fun and gives me another outlet for my craftiness.
If you would like to visit my YouTube channel you can do that by CLICKING HERE

So this blog is just going to follow my crafty life. I will be showing my makes, trying out art kits and I may even add the odd tutorial on here. 

Hope you enjoy it.

Happy Crafting!

Intro to me and my blog!

 Hi! I'm Kelly, a crafter and artist. I have been making things since I can remember. I have tried my hand at quite a few different craf...