Trying crochet pixel art.

 As well as a crafter I am also a pixel artist. I paint, cross stitch and use fuse beads to create a variety of pixel art projects. Most of the things I make are inspired by retro games as they fit in so perfectly with pixel art. I am always looking for new mediums to try my pixel art on and I thought I would try it with crochet.

I have a few different styles I want to try for different projects so in time I hope to try all of them. I am looking to make a netted top so coming up with a pattern that I can incorporate pixel art into. I will be testing out my ideas on small samples before attempting to make anything bigger. I made a pattern featuring a simple mushroom from the Super Mario games and tested it out.

 You can just about  make out the mushroom but it looks a bit compact so I think I will try it again but use a triple crochet instead of double crochet stitches to give it a bit more height. I didn't want to do that straight away because it wasn't a total fail and I wanted to try it inverted too so I decided to try that way first before redoing this one. I inverted the pattern and changed it to the triple crochet too so I could see if it does make at difference to the size at the same time.

This one shows the pattern off more I think and would look good as a blanket or maybe a winter top so this is an idea I am keeping for later. The height of the design is better too so hopefully when I try the first way again it will look ok too.

I still class myself as a beginner at crochet. I have been using crochet in projects for years but only know the basic stitches so trying something like this where I am making the pattern myself and then testing it out is a slow prosses for me but I am enjoying it and can't wait to try more ideas.

Updates will hopefully follow soon.

Happy Crafting!

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Intro to me and my blog!

 Hi! I'm Kelly, a crafter and artist. I have been making things since I can remember. I have tried my hand at quite a few different craf...